The Future of Media Project focuses on Truth, Privacy and Power to work towards solutions for a healthy and robust media ecosystem.

Coalition Representative
Bharat N. Anand, Vice Provost for Advances in Learning, and Henry R. Byers Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School
Gary King, Director of the Institute for Quantitative Social Science at Harvard University
Harvard Affiliation
Harvard Business School
Institute for Quantitative Social Science at Harvard University
Mission / Focus
The Future of Media is a unique partnership between Harvard Business School (HBS) and Harvard’s Institute for Quantitative Social Science (IQSS), with the goal of furthering research and identifying implementable solutions to rebalance truth, privacy and power in the media industry. The intention is to understand and address issues related to the media that are impacting society and where it is unlikely that private solutions will emerge due to a lack of trust or neutrality, a lack of resources or low incentives to contribute to the public good.
The scope of work extends beyond original research and case-writing work to include an emphasis on action: convening key stakeholders, educating decision-makers, designing implementable solutions, and partnering with businesses (including but not limited to media and tech firms) and regulators.