Coalition Member

Making Caring Common

Making Caring Common, at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, supports parents, caregivers, and educators in raising children who care for others and for the common good.  

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Coalition Representative

Milena Batanova, PhD, Director of Research and Evaluation

Faculty Lead

Richard Weissbourd, EdD, Faculty Director

Harvard Affiliation

Harvard Graduate School of Education

Mission / Focus

The mission of Making Caring Common is to raise kids who care about others and the common good. 

By innovatively combining research, theory, the wisdom of practitioners, and strategic communications, we bring fresh, energizing, and evidence-based resources and activities to schools and parents that develop in children empathy, self-awareness, a commitment to fairness and justice, and other key moral and emotional capacities. We also work with the national media to elevate crucial conversations and to provide guidance about how to raise moral and emotionally healthy children. 

Our vision is a world in which children:

  • treat people well, including those who are different from them in background and character;
  • come to understand and seek fairness, equity, and justice;
  • develop the kinds of sturdy, caring relationships that support their own and others’ mental health and flourishing.

We believe that children with these capacities will become strong family members and friends and constructive community members and citizens who can strengthen our democracy, mend the fractures that divide us, and work together to solve our country’s urgent problems.

Areas of Study

Making Caring Common’s areas of focus  include: Youth Moral and Social Development, SEL and Program Evaluation, and Youth Mental Health. 
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Our Members

Center for Digital Thriving

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Center for Health Communication

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Digital Wellness Lab

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Lab for Youth Mental Health

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Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health and Happiness

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Making Caring Common

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The Future of Media Project

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The Public Interest Tech Lab

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Youth and Media, Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society

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