About the Digital Wellness Lab

Research is at the heart of everything we do

The Digital Wellness Lab team gathered outside in Boston

The Digital Wellness Lab believes that, by sharing innovative, rigorous research and clinical expertise from a neutral standpoint, we can change the paradigm for how young people use technology and interactive media.

Digital Wellness Lab - Boston Children's
Harvard Medical School Teaching Hospital
Boston Children's Hospital

How we create impact

Digital Wellness Lab Impact Model Illustration
Icon - Tech
Develop an Evidence Base for Digital Wellness

We seek to develop an evidence base for digital wellness by conducting, translating, and distributing rigorous research on the effects of technology and interactive media use on young people to inform our progress towards positive health and development for every child, teen, and young adult.

Lab Impact - Stakeholders
Bring Stakeholders Together

As no one stakeholder holds the solution for making the digital ecosystem a positive and healthy space for young people, we rely on the diverse experiences and expertise of our team, colleagues, and collaborators to make our work inclusive of, and relevant for, all young people.

Lab Impact - Tech
Advance Digital Wellness Focused Practices in the Tech Industry

We advance digital wellness focused design, delivery, and marketing practices in the tech industry by working to understand their current and future challenges, and to translate our research outcomes into actionable insights to share with key decision-makers.

Lab Impact - Healthcare
Embed Digital Wellness in Healthcare Structures

We embed digital wellness in healthcare strategies by providing evidence-based knowledge and tools designed to move towards a more standardized understanding of, and approach to, digital wellbeing; and to empower clinicians in their ability to help young people and their families build and maintain healthy behaviors.